December 9, 2015
I had another CT-Scan to check on the effectiveness of my
current chemotherapy treatment. On
December 8, we reviewed the results with my oncologist. Overall, the results were very
encouraging. The primary finding is
that, since my last CT-Scan at the end of September, my cancer has remained
stable rather than continuing to spread.
In fact, in the area around my lungs, the cancer has reduced
slightly. Thus, reducing the irritation
in that area. I will continue on the
same treatment plan until my next CT-Scan two months from now.
I am so thankful for these encouraging test results. I feel very blessed. I have been feeling a little better
lately. However, I continue to have pain
in my abdomen most of the time. The
headaches and nausea have been reduced some. Challenges continue due to my
prior surgery. I continue to experience
a lot of acid reflux each night. Eating
remains challenging, as I need to eat small amounts frequently. It is hard to identify what is causing my
pain. At times, I cannot distinguish
whether it is coming from the cancer or from the changes in my stomach related
to my prior surgery.
To keep up my energy and my emotional well being, Steve and I
have been walking/running three miles most days, and we have been writing my
life history. These activities have
lifted my spirits. I have also been
strengthened by the wonderful encouragement from my family and friends. It was great having most of our family visit
us over Thanksgiving. My grandson,
Taylor, even shaved his head to match my bald head from the chemo treatments.
I am enjoying the Christmas season. I am grateful for the Savior. At Church last Sunday, we sang “Away in the
Manager”. I love the third verse, which
reads as follows:
“Be near me, Lord Jesus; I ask thee to stay
Close by me forever, and love me, I pray.
Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care,
And fit us for heaven to live with Thee there.”
Best wishes for a Merry Christmas.