I had another chemo treatment on Wednesday, October 14. Working with the doctor, we agreed to eliminate one of the chemo medicines to see if that would reduce my nausea and headaches. Thursday and Friday went fine, but on Saturday evening, the nausea and headaches returned. My sister, Yvonne, arrived for a visit on Saturday evening. I looked forward to spending time with her, but on Sunday I really did not feel well. I slept most of the day, but finally got up feeling a little better in the late afternoon. On Monday morning, I still had the nausea and headaches. I ate breakfast with Yvonne, as Steve had taken the car to be serviced. At approximately, 11 am he returned home. Yvonne and I were finishing breakfast and watched TV for a few minutes before we went out for a walk. I remember Steve saying hello, but not much more as I continued to dose off to sleep. According to Steve and Yvonne, they took turns sitting next to me for the next few hours. At about 2:30 pm, Steve saw that I was not responsive. He said I stopped breathing and was not responding. He could not find my pulse. Yvonne hurried into the room. Steve put me on the floor and began CPR. He told Yvonne to call 911. With the 911 operator on the phone, Steve was able to get me breathing again. The ambulance arrived within 5-10 minutes. (We only live 4 miles from the hospital.) The paramedics took over from Steve. Within a short time after arriving at the emergency rooms, my vital signs stabilized. I stayed in the hospital over night for observation. They released me to go home on Tuesday afternoon.
We are
still sorting out what happened, but it appears that I had another reaction to
the strong medication that I am taking to deal with the severe headaches and
abdominal pains. We met with the oncologist
today to discuss the treatment plan going forward. The next step is to meet with the doctor in
their office that specializes in medications.
We are scheduled to see him this Friday, October 23. They are also taking more labs to see if my
liver enzyme levels have declined. They
spiked to more than 10 times normal when this incident occurred. This issue needs to be addressed to determine
how to proceed with the chemotherapy.
I am
grateful that Steve and Yvonne were present when this all happened. These incidents create yet another challenge
for me in dealing with my cancer. I
continue to appreciate the love from Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for the prayers and support
from my family, friends and so many others.
For example, as we were flying back on the plane from California, Steve
sat next to a kind lady who also suffered from serious health issues, and in
fact had an incident on the plane. When
she learned of my condition, she asked for my name and said she would include
me in her prayers. I appreciate
everyone’s prayers.