The Christmas holiday was wonderful. Our family met at Park City, Utah for Christmas week. Even though it was cold, we had lots of fun skiing and tubing. For me, it was exciting as I was able to go skiing one day and tubing one day. Even though I did not feel well, I was still able to do those activities with the family. It took a couple of hours for me to get ready to go skiing, but after I made one run, Steve said “ it is all gravy now as you have succeed being out here”. I was able to make a few more ski runs. Overall, I was really happy to able to ski. It was definitely worth the effort and pain. It was absolutely wonderful to have been with all of our children and grandchildren for Christmas. My niece, McKenzi, took fabulous family photos with a wonderful view from the Park City cabin in which we stayed.

In January, I returned to my bi-weekly chemo treatments. Even though it is not fun to go for such treatments, I really appreciate the kindness and courtesy shown by those who administer these treatments. I have gotten to know the nurses and staff quite well, and they show real concern for me.
I am scheduled to get another CT-scan this week. It will be good to check my progress again. We will review the results with my oncologist next Tuesday, February 2. Even though I was blessed to be well enough to enjoy the Christmas holidays with my family, it was really difficult at times. I still have a lot of pain in my abdomen. Lately, I have had more nausea. I still have headaches some days. Eating remains a challenge due to my prior esophagus surgery.
I have felt discouraged at times. This leads me to have an occasional “pity party” for myself. The best way I have found to deal with this is to try to improve my attitude. As President Monson said, “So much in our lives depends on our attitude. The way we choose to see things or behave or to respond to others makes all the difference. To do the very best we can, then choose to be happy about our circumstances, whatever they may be, can bring peace and contentment.” I am very thankful that I have been blessed during this difficult time to help me have a good attitude. I receive many tender mercies on a regular basis.