Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Post Surgery Dr. Appointment

This morning I met with Dr. Kiernan, who performed my surgery.  First we went to the radiologist and had a couple of chest X-rays taken and the barium swallow test to check and make sure nothing is leaking.  I had to go in fasting but was still getting my tube feedings throughout the night. While I appreciate how my "Joey" is helping me get stronger I am tired of his company!

After the tests we met in Dr. Kiernan's office.  They shared with us the good news that there was no leakage.  The best news?  I've been advanced to a full liquid to soft diet.  Still fat free, but I can eat things that I can chew and swallow easily.  Fish is ok, scrambled eggs, hamburger, but no chicken or other things that are more difficult to swallow.  The dietician gave us a list and Stephanie is at the store as we speak.  

The next major step will be to decrease some of the pain meds.  I am looking forward to a day when I don't need pain medicine at all.

I've been having some soreness near my belly button- it feels like a big knot.  It's very uncomfortable and Dr. Kiernan said that was most likely caused because I have some internal stitches in that area.  

Troy and I have had a lot of fun with Stephanie here.  We are looking forward to The Biggest Loser finale tonight.


  1. Kyle and I do not watch much TV but we love biggest loser! My prediction is that Rachel will win and Kyle thinks David will. We are excited for you to be able to start eating some real food and also look forward to the day where you will no longer have pain! Thanks for the blog....I am guessing Troy does the posting, thanks!

  2. What great news from the doctor today! So happy to hear! I can imagine it feels great to get to eat some soft food!!! Thanks for the update.

  3. I love reading your blog and I am SO happy to hear all the good news about your progress. I knew I had a good feeling for you. :) I can only imagine how difficult this has been, hopefully you can start to see the finish line now... You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Sending MUCH love,

    Steph Hougaard

  4. Marilynn, I would like to share a brief story that I heard at a work function the other day.
    There once was a lady who lost almost all of her hair. She woke up one morning and found that she had only three hairs left on top of her head. As she looked in the mirror she thought, “Today is a great day to wear a braid.” So she braided her hairs and went out and had a great day.
    The next morning she woke up and found that she had only two hairs left on top of her head. As she looked in the mirror she thought, “Today is a great day to have a center part”. So she parted her hairs and went out and had a great day.
    The next morning she woke up and found that she had only one hair left on top of her head. As she looked in the mirror she thought, “Today is a great day to have a pony tail”. So she put a bow on her ponytail and went out and had a great day.
    The next morning she woke up and found that she was completely bald. As she looked in the mirror she thought, “Today is a great day because I no longer need to waste time doing my hair”. So she went out and had a great day.
    The moral of the story was to always have a positive attitude in the face of adversity. By doing so, you will always have a great day.
    When I heard this story, all I could think of was how positive you have been in the face of adversity and how much of a positive example you have been to friends, family, and to your grandchildren. Keep on marching onward with your wonderfully positive attitude and “Have a great day!”
    Love you. Lee Syphus

  5. We too are Biggest Loser fans. Mark and I spent the weekend catching up on the season because we knew the finale was coming. I love the story that Lee posted. Attitude is truly so important. I am glad my mom is able to come out and be with you next week. Have fun eating your salmon!!! :)

  6. I thought my name would appear. I guess I am logged into a different email account right know. The previous comment was from me. (Becky) Maybe you figured it out with the Mark and the mom thing. :)

  7. John and I have been waiting anxiously for this posting. It helps us to know how you are doing Thanks for the good news from the doctor.
    We are so grateful you have Steve, Troy and glad Stephanie is there. We look forward to hearing about the food you are able to eat.
    We love you.
    John and Kathleen

  8. Marilynn you are amazing!!! Lee is right, your attitute is wonderful. Keep smiling, keep eating, keep walking! I want photos of you and Yvonne when she gets there. :) PLEASE keep getting better!!! Love you! Julie Jordan

  9. Marilynn, we are so happy to hear the good news. Keep up the good work, and enjoy all of the yummy things you get to eat. Is JELLO on that list? We're happy to know Troy and Stephanie are there. Get well soon. Love, Jackie and John

  10. Nana,

    So happy to hear your diet has been upgraded! I am sure you are thrilled to be chewing again! I'm always so happy to read your positive posts and you are so inspiring! So glad you and Troy are enjoying Steph being there and I'm happy she is able to be! B remembers you in her prayers every single night which is amazing because most of the time she forgets all of her other family to pray for! She prays you will recover quick and feel good and she prays sometimes that you will have a positive attitude! She must have heard me commenting on how amazing I think your attitude has been throughout this! :-) I loved reading the story that Lee posted-how true it is that the story could be about you! We love you so much Nana and we'll keep you in our prayers that your pain will become manageable and you will be running a marathon soon!
    Bobbi & Brooklyn!

  11. Good to know you are on the improve Marilyn. I'm so glad T&S are there! Keeping you in our prayers. Chmoki (kisses) Dee
