Monday, February 29, 2016

Approved for Clinical Trial

I am very excited that I have been accepted for a clinical trial at the Georgetown cancer center.  The investigational drug is Avelumab.  According to the study report, Avelumab is thought to maybe have an effect on the immune system (especially the white blood cells) in order to cause the immune system to attack the cancer tumors.  The study is to determine whether the drug is effective in gastric cancers.  On February 16, I went in for initial testing to determine my eligibility.  They took 10 or so vials of blood and conducted a CT-scan.  It was an extremely long, exhausting day, but it was well worth it.  I began the treatment at Georgetown Medstar Hospital on February 29.   It was a long day.  I started with blood tests and an EKG, then met with the oncologist, followed by an infusion, and finally had another EKG.  Overall, it took about 7 hours.  The staff at the hospital was great.  They were well organized and very kind.

 I am really thrilled to be in this clinical trial as I have exhausted all of the other treatments for my cancer.  Also, I really have not felt well this past couple of months as the cancer has spread.  The fluid has expanded in my abdomen and around my lungs.  This has caused me to cough a lot more and to be short of breath.  I have been extremely tired.  I could sleep all day, but I don’t let myself do that because I feel that it would make me very discouraged.  My body aches and the nausea continues.  This has made exercising far more difficult.  I still try to walk three miles at least 4 times a week if possible, but I find it difficult to run because of my lungs.  Again, I just hope to get some relief with this with new treatment.

Even though I am very excited for the clinical trial at Georgetown, I am saddened not to continue to receive treatments at the Virginia Cancer Specialists’ office.  The doctors, nurses and others have been very kind to me as I received my treatments there, including the many infusions.

One thing that lifted my spirits this past week was the visit from four of my sisters, and a brother–in-law.  One sister was not able to come.   While visiting me, my sisters took great care of me.  I had hoped to go shopping because that is something we enjoy doing together.  However, as I was not feeling well, we shopped a little bit, but spent most of the time at home.  We visited, laughed and cried a lot.   We also watched a few movies together.  I feel so blessed to have such wonderful sisters.  A highlight was receiving massages from them on my back, hands, head and feet.  In fact one time, they were working on all of these areas simultaneously.  It felt so wonderful as they used their hands to serve me.  I was reminded that we help our Heavenly Father when we use our hands to serve others.  I have felt many peoples’ love as they have served me with their hands.

My sisters’ service was like angels.  I really like the following quote from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland.  He said that God never leaves us alone:
“I testify of angels, both the heavenly and mortal kind.  In doing so I am testifying that God never leaves us alone, never leaves us unaided in the challenges that we face… Always there are those angels who come and go around us, seen and unseen, known and unknown, mortal and immortal.”

In my life, I have felt such angels, both mortal and immortal.  These experiences have increased during the past six months.  I am grateful to have had these angels help and comfort me.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Discouraging CT Scan

In my last blog update, I mentioned that I was going for a CT-scan on January 28.  Unfortunately, the results of that scan are not encouraging.  The cancer has grown in my abdomen and around my lungs.

 I have not felt as well lately, part of the reason being that the cancer has caused me to have more fluid around my lungs and in my abdomen.  Eating has become more difficult.  Even though I spread my eating out over the day and eat small amounts, I often feel too full to eat.  My stomach just won’t handle very much.  I get very nauseated.   I try hard to eat right, but the food often just doesn’t stay down.  With the fluid around my lungs, some nights I cough a lot even to the point of throwing up.  I get out of breath when I exert myself.  I also find it more difficult to breathe at night.

We met with my oncologist and decided to discontinue my current chemotherapy regimen.  We agreed the best approach going forward is to try to find a clinical trial for me.  We have identified one potential trial at my oncologist’s office that will be open on February 22.  We have also scheduled an appointment on February 9 with an oncologist at the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown Medical Center.  He has a few trials that he wants to discuss with us.  I hope to qualify for one of these trials as soon as possible.

To keep my spirits up, I am still trying to walk as often as I can.  Also, I had a really enjoyable weekend with Stacey, Stephanie, Lee and four of our grandchildren.
I was able to join them for the play Phantom of the Opera.  My family support means so much to me.  It really lifts my spirits.  Whether through telephone calls, visits or texts/e-mails.

I am including a quote from the Ensign magazine titled “The Will Within”.  It is about running, which has been an important part of my life.   It reads as follows:
“Each of us is a runner in the race of life.  Comforting is the fact that there are many runners.  Reassuring is the knowledge that our eternal Scorekeeper is understanding.  Challenging is the truth that each must run.  But you and I do not run alone.  The vast audience of family, friends, and leaders will cheer our courage, will applaud our determination as we rise from our stumbling and pursue our goal.  The race of life is not for sprinters running on a level track.  The course is marked by pitfalls and checkered with obstacles…”
I liked this quote because it recognizes the obstacles that exist in life and the importance of support of family and friends.  I really appreciate all the love and support that I receive from all of you.  Thanks for your help, support and prayers.