Monday, February 29, 2016

Approved for Clinical Trial

I am very excited that I have been accepted for a clinical trial at the Georgetown cancer center.  The investigational drug is Avelumab.  According to the study report, Avelumab is thought to maybe have an effect on the immune system (especially the white blood cells) in order to cause the immune system to attack the cancer tumors.  The study is to determine whether the drug is effective in gastric cancers.  On February 16, I went in for initial testing to determine my eligibility.  They took 10 or so vials of blood and conducted a CT-scan.  It was an extremely long, exhausting day, but it was well worth it.  I began the treatment at Georgetown Medstar Hospital on February 29.   It was a long day.  I started with blood tests and an EKG, then met with the oncologist, followed by an infusion, and finally had another EKG.  Overall, it took about 7 hours.  The staff at the hospital was great.  They were well organized and very kind.

 I am really thrilled to be in this clinical trial as I have exhausted all of the other treatments for my cancer.  Also, I really have not felt well this past couple of months as the cancer has spread.  The fluid has expanded in my abdomen and around my lungs.  This has caused me to cough a lot more and to be short of breath.  I have been extremely tired.  I could sleep all day, but I don’t let myself do that because I feel that it would make me very discouraged.  My body aches and the nausea continues.  This has made exercising far more difficult.  I still try to walk three miles at least 4 times a week if possible, but I find it difficult to run because of my lungs.  Again, I just hope to get some relief with this with new treatment.

Even though I am very excited for the clinical trial at Georgetown, I am saddened not to continue to receive treatments at the Virginia Cancer Specialists’ office.  The doctors, nurses and others have been very kind to me as I received my treatments there, including the many infusions.

One thing that lifted my spirits this past week was the visit from four of my sisters, and a brother–in-law.  One sister was not able to come.   While visiting me, my sisters took great care of me.  I had hoped to go shopping because that is something we enjoy doing together.  However, as I was not feeling well, we shopped a little bit, but spent most of the time at home.  We visited, laughed and cried a lot.   We also watched a few movies together.  I feel so blessed to have such wonderful sisters.  A highlight was receiving massages from them on my back, hands, head and feet.  In fact one time, they were working on all of these areas simultaneously.  It felt so wonderful as they used their hands to serve me.  I was reminded that we help our Heavenly Father when we use our hands to serve others.  I have felt many peoples’ love as they have served me with their hands.

My sisters’ service was like angels.  I really like the following quote from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland.  He said that God never leaves us alone:
“I testify of angels, both the heavenly and mortal kind.  In doing so I am testifying that God never leaves us alone, never leaves us unaided in the challenges that we face… Always there are those angels who come and go around us, seen and unseen, known and unknown, mortal and immortal.”

In my life, I have felt such angels, both mortal and immortal.  These experiences have increased during the past six months.  I am grateful to have had these angels help and comfort me.


  1. I love you, aunt Marilynn. Thank you for your testimony. It has strengthened me. I am so happy you will be joining this clinical trial and am praying for a wonderful miracle. I know you will always hold a very special place in the doctors and nurses hearts where you have been. I am sure they will miss you too. ❤️

  2. I'm so happy you are in the new clinical trial. My love and prayers are always with you!

  3. Marilyn, I am sooo happy to hear about this opportunity for you to be part of this clinical trial. I marvel at you. Feeling the way you do, to walk 3 miles four times a week. I love and admire you Marilyn!

  4. It was so wonderful to spend last weekend with many of our family members. I know Marilynn and Steve have touched many hearts of several doctors and nurses. When Marilynn was in the hospital last June most of the nurses were very kind, except for one. At the end of her shift she told Marilynn she would not be there the next day since she had 2 days off. I was jumping for joy, because I did not think she was very compassionate towards Marilynn. Marilynn very sincerely thanked her for all her help during the day. I do believe this nurse was touched by Marilynn's genuine gratitude.

  5. Oh, Marilynn, this is encouraging news! I look forward to more encouraging results too. You are in my thoughts and prayers. And yes, the Felt sisters are wonderful sisters indeed! ❤️

  6. You and your sisters are beautiful women, from the inside out. We are praying that this clinical trial offers you much hope for relief.

  7. You inspire me with your unwavering faith and optimism. We love and pray for you every day.

  8. Our cute little one force to be reckoned with! Withstanding all that she faces...she continues to be grateful for her blessings....and always always is recognizing her tender mercies.
    You have shared with each of us your discouraging reality, your fears, your pains and yet always so amazingly you ultimately share the comfort and the peace that your sweet faith has given you. Each of our lives are being blessed and strengthened by your example. Many many prayers are being offered for you and your wonderful family. Thank you for your goodness.

    1. continued from above post...
      Thank you for being "angels" in each of our lives by your example of strength and goodness.
      Love your sister

  9. Marilyn, your strength, faith, goodness and testimony are so inspiring to me, and to so many others. What a gift it is to know you. Blessings to you and your dear family.

  10. Marilynn, You are always in my prayers. Your strength and faith inspire me! Love, Jessica Thomas

  11. Hooray for the study! Prayers that is the thing that will help you get over this trial! How wonderful to have such loving family members. You have been blessed by many such angels in your life. But, you have been an angel to many others as well. As always, you are in my prayers, as I think of you daily! Sending hugs, from Russia with love. Dee
