The recent
developments with my cancer have been very difficult. As I mentioned in my prior blog, my clinical
trial was not successful. Since then, we
have been reviewing one other chemotherapy treatment with my oncologist. With the low likelihood of success and the
challenging side effects of this treatment, we have decided not to pursue
it. I am now working with a palliative
care/hospice service to assist me with my pain medications and other
needs. I began that service last week
and I believe they will be helpful with my future care.
My pain
continues to be a challenge. In addition
to the severe abdominal pains that have been occurring for some time, I am
experiencing a lot of swelling in my abdomen and legs. I have gained nearly 20 pounds of fluid. Thus, my clothes don’t fit me anymore. The swelling prevents me from taking walks
and running, which is very discouraging as these activities were so important
to me. I also find it difficult to go places and to do things that I used to
like to do. My nausea is also

A song that
gives me strength not to falter in my race of life is “He Hears Me,” which is
sung by Hillary Weeks. The words are as
“Here I am again down on my knees and with every pleading
Thy comfort I seek though the words are slow to come,
My thoughts are racing by,
Peace feels the room,
Thy spirit is nigh;
He hears me when I am crying in the night,
He hears me when my soul longs to fight till the morning
will come and the light of the dawn reassures,
He hears me.
Any hour, wherever I may be,
In the silence of an empty room,
Or on a crowded street.
Whether offering thanks or urgency I pray,
I never go unnoticed; I am never led astray;
He hears me when I am crying in the night,
He hears me when my soul longs to fight till the morning
will come and the light of the dawn reassures.
He hears me.
Any whisper of the soul no matter how old, Father hears the
He hears me when I am crying in the night.
He hears me when my soul longs to fight;
Till the morning will come and the light of the dawn
He hears me.”
I know Heavenly Father hears my prayers. I have felt His spirit with me as I am running
this difficult race of life. I could not
run this race of life without Him. I
also really appreciate the many prayers that family, friends and others have
offered for me.
My dear dear Sister Marilynn, yet again, you are an example that can only mean to your siblings, children and grandchildren something beyond an example of Christ like generosity and pure charity. I for one have been neglectful in reaching out to you and without apology I do so now with the depth of love beyond my human capacity to express; such love extends to your ever supportive eternal companion, Steve for often the 'Steve's' of this world are forgotten. I suppose as your older brother I have know you longer than any other living person and so I can say without reservation that those like Marilynn Felt Forsyth have a special place in the Heaven's above. I like others have been the recipient of your love and concern. One could say: " You have given it your best shot!". Yes, you have turned to Heaven Father and the many guardian angels beyond our ability to see and I suppose now you and Steve are doing so again - even holding His hand as this mortal journey continues. Yes, we love you and above all would prefer this "mortal experience" was not yours to carry yet in doing so with faith, digital and resolve we again we see the toughness and strength we so often experienced with Mother's ever steady attending to her struggles; and she too had a dear and loving companion by her side as you have and will continue to have. How do I say "I love you" in the pure language of the Celestial Heavens above? For that is the language your Heart understands. From, simply your brother Paul
ReplyDeleteDear Aunt Marilynn, I feel inadequate to follow your older brother Paul's post above. Being a niece and not a sister or brother, part of me feels I should wait until others reply, yet in times of adversity time is not always on our side, so I will share with you that I love you! :) In my mind- I will always see you dancing atop our rented houseboat at Lake Powell when I was only maybe 8 years old. That picture of you in my mind makes me smile. :)) For several years after you were married, you would send me spearmint gum in the mail with happy birthday wishes. Such a simple gesture but one I always will remember. I'm so glad I spent time with you when I was younger. I have such fond memories of all my aunts and uncles. Marilynn, you posted the words above to a Hillary Weeks song I know well. That song expressed perfectly my heart's aching after losing a baby in my second trimester before Zoey was born. I know every word of it by heart, and as I type these words tears stream down my face because it is the most beautiful expression of reaching towards heaven that I know. I know you're reaching towards the heavens, and I know you can feel the angels reaching back. Your faith and testimony of Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father strengthen me. You have strengthened many. :) I wish we could take away your pain and wish you didn't have to suffer. As Uncle Paul said so perfectly, Steve and your children and grandchildren are also baring the weight of this trial. What we don't understand we must have faith in. This is not easy, and Paul is right, how could words ever express everything you are deserving to hear. Please just know that we love you. We know you have run a faithful race! And will continue to do so. Our family sends our love--always.
ReplyDeleteYour niece , Jodi
Once you see the Northern Lights you are never the same. The experience changes your perspective forever. Knowing you, Marilyn, has been just like seeing those ethereal lights in the sky that dance and glow and leave one breathless. Thank you for sharing your light with all of us. Love, your friend, Bill Stringham
ReplyDeleteHi Marilyn, I am so sad to hear the pain that you have had to endure - both physically and mentally. I know it's been years since I have seen you but I still remember your beautiful smile and the kindness that emanates from you. I always loved coming to your house because you knew how to make an awkward teenager feel comfortable and loved. You have touched so many lives and I am glad to have been one of them. Take care,
Hey Sister Forsyth. My mom pointed me in your direction. You are definitely in our thoughts and prayers. It's been many years since I was just a short bike ride to your house in Kingwood, but the memories have not faded one bit. I have always admired the patience and love you had for some pretty crazy teenage boy antics. From having us at your house all day after summer league practice, whether it was playing Nintendo or any number of games in the pool. I still remember sliding down the back staircase on sleeping bags. I'll have to teach that one to my kids. You did teach me one really valuable skill...water skiing. I can't even count the number of times y'all let me tag along on your trips to the lake, especially since all I had to bring was a bag of starburst to share. I always loved seeing you and Steve at our swim meets and knew I had you cheering just as loud as my own parents. You're a rock star and have always been such an example to me of a supportive mother. Take care, Alex and crew...
ReplyDeleteGood morning dear friend-- I'm so sorry your pain has gotten worse for you. I keep you and your family in my prayers every day. You are such a wonderful person and continue to pray your pain lessens for you. It was so wonderful seeing you and your daughter and husband Steve dining across from us last month. Please take care Marilyn - love to you always.
ReplyDeleteMy Dear Marilynn,
ReplyDeleteAs I was crawling in bed last night, I saw that you had updated your blog. I immediately opened it up and began to read. I was reading it out loud so Kirk could listen but I could not read it aloud for long. My tears were flowing and my heart was crying. Your hope of getting better enough to stay here for longer seems to have been taken....but your "Heavenly Hope" is burning ever so brightly. Your Heavenly Hope and your Heavenly Faith is being shared and sprinkled on each one of us. As our wonderful older brother stated in an above post, we feel Heavens Love through you.
Your analogies that you use and the songs, scriptures and thoughts help us each in our lives to recognize what life is really all about. We, your loving family and friends are uplifted by your example of running with Faith and Hope and Following the example of our Savior and helping others along the are an example of all of these characteristics!
My heart aches to see you suffer as you are. My heart also soars as I see you so gracefully and with such dignity face your reality of your cancer spreading.
You have shared your discouraging reality, your fears, your pains and yet so amazingly you always share the comfort and the peace you have felt. I know without a doubt that Heavenly Father is so proud of you. You are blessing and strengthening many lives by your example. Your posterity and all those that know you are being blessed and strengthened by your life.
You have a wonderful husband, whom is so worthy of you. I feel a bit of heaven in your home when I come visit. Such kindness and goodness and love abounds.
Your positive attitude but also your "honesty" and "realness" is empowering for each of us as we "run" our race.
Know that you are so loved.
Your sister, Tammy
I love you. I am heart broken. I feel so grateful for my sure knowledge of Heaven and the peace I feel when I pray for you.
ReplyDeleteMuch love,
Dear Marilyn - I have known you most of my life, ever since I joined the church and you were my Laurel Adviser in the Alief ward back in 1977. I am so thankful for you and all the love you have shown me over the years. I just love you and wish the best for you. I hope that the pain, nausea and swelling can be managed so that you will feel comfortable. I hope that you will be able to go on walks and enjoy your family. I wish for you all the good things and I am thankful you are my friend.
ReplyDeleteMy heart is breaking for all you have endured for more than two years now. You and Steve have been so stalwart in everything you do. I am grateful for this blog and for the comments made by so many that have been influenced by your faith and testimony.
ReplyDeleteI love you so much Aunt Marilynn. You are such a wonderful example of faith, generosity, and strength. My heart aches knowing how much pain you have endured and are still enduring during such a difficult time. Thank you for your wonderful example and for sharing your testimony of the gospel with us. We pray for you and your family daily and think of you often. Reading this blog post and reading the words to the song lyrics you included brought tears to my eyes. You are one of the strongest women I know. I am so grateful to have you as my aunt. I love you!
ReplyDeleteDear Sweet Marilynn,
ReplyDeleteSitting here remembering our wonderful friendship of so many, many years ago. You are a precious part of our lives from our early years in the Garland 3rd ward. Thank you for your wonderful example in so many ways! We pray for you and your family for peace, strength, and comfort in this very difficult time.
Love, Barbara and Bill Kershaw
This is so very touching and reassuring of our Heavenly Fathers love and plan for us. Thanks for your beautiful testimony. I couldn't even imagine what you (and your family) are going through, and I'm so sorry you're in pain. But your continued strength is very inspiring. Chase and I will be praying for you. Lots of love xoxo Jessie Williams
ReplyDeleteHello Every One, I am mrs Anne Wilson From Alaska U.S.A, I
ReplyDeletequickly want to
use this medium to share a testimony on how God directed me to
a Legit and
real loan lender who have transformed my life from grass to
grace, from
being poor to a rich woman who can now boast of a healthy and
wealthy life
without stress or financial difficulties. After so many months of
trying to
get a loan on the internet and was scammed the sum of $4,600 i
became so
desperate in getting a loan from a legit loan lender online who will
add to my pains, then i decided to contact a friend of mine who
got a loan online, we discussed about the issue and to our
conclusion she
told me about a woman called Mrs Lovene Wright who is the C.E.O of
Lovene finance firm (USA)
Loans So i applied for a loan sum of (60,000.00USD) with low
interest rate
of 2%, so the loan was approved easily without stress and all the
preparations where made concerning the loan transfer and in less
two(2) days the loan was deposited into my bank so i want to
advice any one
i need of a loan to quickly contact her via: ( or call them on
she does not know am doing this i pray that God will bless her for
the good
thing she has done in my life.
ReplyDeleteIn Dec. of 2013 I was diagnosed with terminal
cancer at the age of 39. The doctors could give
me no hope. I did have chemo and radiation, the
doctors thought that could prolong my life for a
little while. In March of 2014 I had surgery, thats
when they found that the cancer had spread to
my lymp nodes in my right hip area and couldn't
get it all with the surgery. Now it looked like 3-6
months is all I would live. It was a very
aggressive form of colorectal cancer. But WhenI came across doctor Kumar from India he cured my terminal cancer with herbs I'm living very healthy today you too can be save or someone else contact the cancer and kidney doctor via email: DR.KUMARDAVID42@GMAIL.COM