Tuesday, July 14, 2015

First Chemo Regimen Completed

I completed the first chemo regimen last Friday.  We went back to the doctor’s office and they removed the pump that I had been wearing for two days.  We will take a picture of the pump next time, but it was small enough for me to carry around and do all my activities.  I just had to remember that it was attached to me with a plastic tube, or I would try to walk away without it.  It was connected to my port so I was quickly reminded that I needed it with me at all times.  It brought back unpleasant memories of when I previously had the feeding tube for my esophagus surgery.  Thus, it was a relief on Friday when the pump was disconnected from me.

I have not felt very well since the chemo was received.  I have been very tired and listless.  My legs don’t want to move very well.  I have quite a bit of nausea, and most recently I have developed cold sores and sores in my mouth.  This has made it harder to eat, which is made even more difficult as I was already limited in eating ability due to my prior esophagus surgery.  Fortunately, my Church friends have provided me excellent soft meals and snacks.  I still try to walk some each day and go out occasionally.

Prayer continues to help lift my spirits.  This week, when I was having a particularly difficult time, I prayed for help.  I received a welcomed Heavenly response of peace.  I am grateful that I can call on Heavenly Father at this time.

I appreciate all the notes and letters of encouragement.  I recognize that many people are praying for me.  This means so much to me.


  1. Marilyn, you are such a courageous woman. God IS aware of you. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. God bless you. Don't give up.

  2. Marilynn and Steve,
    Thank you so much for these updates. I appreciate that Marilynn has been so honest in keeping us informed on how difficult this journey has been, but she ends with a positive note. I'm so grateful she is able to feel a sense of peace and a sense of how much her Heavenly Father is aware of her suffering and how much he loves her and approves of her still giving thanks through all the suffering she has been through. I am so grateful that Marilynn has an amazing husband and such wonderful children.

  3. Marilynn - thank so much for letting us know how you are doing . I'm praying everyday for you to feel strong again. Stay positive and strong beautiful friend . ��

  4. We pray for you and your family each day. What your going through physically and emotionally must be incredibly hard! We will keep praying. We love you!

  5. Marilyn - thanks so much for the regular updates. You are an amazing woman - honest about the challenge but always bearing your testimony. Thank you for your example. We love you so much and pray constantly for you and for your family.

  6. I feel for you... literally! I have had that fatigue, those mouth sores and all those side effects. Focus on being healthy and strong again. It will help you feel better. Praying for you!

  7. John and I pray many times a day that you and your family will feel Heavenly Fathers love and a spirit of peace. We love you and your family.

  8. You are in our prayers every day! On a medical note - I have a friend going through chemo right now, and she has a prescription mouth rinse that really helps with the sores. Her insurance doesn't cover it, and it is on the pricier side, but she pays out of pocket because of how much it helps. After all - the yucky taste and mouth sores have got to be a horrible side effect!!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. R GrimsJuly 20, 2015 at 6:37 AM
    Dear Marilynn & Steve
    Thank you so much for keeping us updated with these posts. It helps so much to have these updates and to know exactly what's happening. All the strength and capacity you have to fight through is so impressive. I know it's because of your great fighting spirit and the way you met these troubles head on from such a high standard of fitness.
    I absolutely loved being in your home and seeing all your family.
    Please keep us updated as often as you can.
    With love
