Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Good Bye Joey

I broke up with my Joey(my ugly feeding tube).  He was a good friend but I am very happy to have it out of me.  I went in a day early because I had developed a kind of infection around the tube.  Because of the bad experience I had earlier with  the tube I was very apprehensive to have it removed.  While I was voicing my concerns to the Doctor he promised to warn me before he removed it.  I instantly knew he was tricking me and removing it as we spoke.  The great news is that there was no pain at all.  After it was removed he put some topical anesthetic on it which caused a lot of pain.

I had my final chest X-ray which confirmed that there is no more chyle leak.  Thus, I'm allowed to eat any kind of food.  I do have to be careful to chew food very well and not eat things that might catch in my throat.

I was telling the doctors how I am still having pain in my sternum, back, side, and neck.  They laughed and said, "Yes!  And it will contiune.  This is why we told you 2014 would be the year of the surgery."

I only have one more foreign object to be removed.  It is this IV port in my neck.  I will have it removed Monday morning.   It has been causing me pain and I can not wait to have it out.  I'll make my next blog post on Monday after it's completed.

Thank you for all of your comments, prayers, and letters.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Stacey Came

Stacey spent Valentines weekend with us.  The second she walked in the door she bought with her a burst of energy and positivity.  She was a ton of help to me at all hours of the day and night; sleeping in the same room as me to help me through the long nights.  She gave me back rubs and helped me with my medicine.  I know she missed out on a lot of sleep but she helped me so much.  Thanks to Brock for sharing his Valentine with me.
We watched a few shows together such as Friends, Downton Abbey, Parenthood, The Goldbergs, and the Olympics.  This is a a picture of us on Sunday night watching TV.

We delivered chocolates to some of my doctors and surgeons over the weekend to say thank you for all their work during my surgery and recovery.  During the day my back pain is improving which is great. I have been feeling some nausea which I think is caused by all the pain medication I am taking.  The nights are still long but are improving some.  
Thanks for all your help and prayers. I know they are helping me get a little better each day.

Friday, February 14, 2014

More Good News

Good News!  I finally was able to catch up with my Oncologist and he informed me that I will not have to have chemotherapy.  I am really excited about this and feel very blessed.

Today the surgeon removed the drainage tube (goodbye safety pin) and some more of the staples from my incision.  I had a swallow test and and chest x ray.  Everything looks good.  He thinks that in a week or so I will be able to eat foods that have fat in them.  Overall, he thinks I am recovering very well.

My sister, Yvonne was here for 5 days.  She was such a calming influence and was a lifesaver at night. She was there for back rubs, medicine, and great talks.  I had a great time going on errands with her and walking in the snow.  For those who aren't in the North East, you may have heard about our recent winter storm.  It was huge but made for some lovely sights.

Sleeping is still a huge struggle for me.  The nights are so long and painful.  I'm always grateful to see the morning and especially for my shower.  Best part of my day!

I have had some time to do some reflection.  Before my most recent surgery I had a surgery to install my J tube.  I had complications in my stomach and bowels.  I had to be in the hospital over Christmas and I was so bitter and upset thinking that I had this ugly tube in me that had robbed me of my health and of spending the holidays with my family.

But it was because of this ugly tube that the doctors went ahead and scheduled the surgery ahead of chemotherapy.  It's because of this ugly tube that they were able to get all the cancer in one fell swoop.  It's because of this ugly tube that I won't have to have radiation or chemotherapy.  What a blessing from something that I initially perceived as such a curse to me.  This beautiful tube is now a best friend.

Thanks to everyone who has offered to help with meals for us.  Steve and the others have eaten well through all of this!  I love your cards, and comments on this blog.  Please keep praying for me and know that I pray for you as well.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Outings with Joey

Steph's been here for a little over a week now.  I'm so grateful for her and all the help she has been.  Steve, Troy and I will miss her so much tomorrow when she returns home.  I'm also so grateful for her mother in law, Iona Syphus who flew across the country and spent 5 snow days taking care of the kids while Lee was at work.

I appreciate how many people have offered to come and help.  Steve has to be out of town briefly this next week so my sister Yvonne has offered to come and help me.  I'm excited to see her.  Stacey will come later in the week.

As I'm feeling a little better each day I'm having fun going on different outings.  Of course I have to bring my Joey but it's so nice to be out.  I'm sure I look weird connected to someone by a surgical tube in a backpack but it's better than being stuck in the house all day!  Last week we went to Costco.

Yesterday we went see the hole that is being dug for our new house.
So I'm making progress.

The most difficult thing for me right now is the extreme pain I have in my back.  I can't lay down for very long at a time.  Eating is not much fun right now either as it's mostly meal replacement shakes and egg whites.  My food has to be fat free (yeah, he messed up in telling me that I could have salmon).  The good thing there is that after another month or so I will probably be able to eat a more typical diet.  

Thanks to all for your love and concern.  I am also grateful for all the prayers of family and friends.  Our neighbor, who we don't know very well told me today that she prays for us every day.  I believe these prayers are helping me along the path to recovery.  

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Post Surgery Dr. Appointment

This morning I met with Dr. Kiernan, who performed my surgery.  First we went to the radiologist and had a couple of chest X-rays taken and the barium swallow test to check and make sure nothing is leaking.  I had to go in fasting but was still getting my tube feedings throughout the night. While I appreciate how my "Joey" is helping me get stronger I am tired of his company!

After the tests we met in Dr. Kiernan's office.  They shared with us the good news that there was no leakage.  The best news?  I've been advanced to a full liquid to soft diet.  Still fat free, but I can eat things that I can chew and swallow easily.  Fish is ok, scrambled eggs, hamburger, but no chicken or other things that are more difficult to swallow.  The dietician gave us a list and Stephanie is at the store as we speak.  

The next major step will be to decrease some of the pain meds.  I am looking forward to a day when I don't need pain medicine at all.

I've been having some soreness near my belly button- it feels like a big knot.  It's very uncomfortable and Dr. Kiernan said that was most likely caused because I have some internal stitches in that area.  

Troy and I have had a lot of fun with Stephanie here.  We are looking forward to The Biggest Loser finale tonight.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Safety Pin?

Between the back pain, stomach pain, and anxiety nights continue to be difficult.  Steve finally got a night off as Troy and Stephanie divided the night up and took care of me.  I was able to get a blessing from Steve that gave me calm and helped me rest.

Today I went with Steve to see the lot for the new house.  Construction will begin soon.  We did an hour walk on our new neighborhood.  Houses are starting to take shape and some are even finished.

Back to cancer.  This is the drain where the stomach and esophagus are now connected below my neck.  I'm going to the doctor on Tuesday and hope to get rid of this safety pin.  So if anyone needs a safety pin please mention it in the comments.

My next blog entry will be after my doctors appointment on Tuesday.  I'm so grateful for you all.