Saturday, February 1, 2014

Safety Pin?

Between the back pain, stomach pain, and anxiety nights continue to be difficult.  Steve finally got a night off as Troy and Stephanie divided the night up and took care of me.  I was able to get a blessing from Steve that gave me calm and helped me rest.

Today I went with Steve to see the lot for the new house.  Construction will begin soon.  We did an hour walk on our new neighborhood.  Houses are starting to take shape and some are even finished.

Back to cancer.  This is the drain where the stomach and esophagus are now connected below my neck.  I'm going to the doctor on Tuesday and hope to get rid of this safety pin.  So if anyone needs a safety pin please mention it in the comments.

My next blog entry will be after my doctors appointment on Tuesday.  I'm so grateful for you all.  


  1. How exciting about your house! what a delight to watch it begin!

    It is absolutely amazing to think of all that you have been through recently. I am so sorry to read about your continued pain. I stand in awe of the miracle of modern medicine and to think you are being held together by a safety pin!

    1. I am so uplifted as I read your blog. It feels like a miracle the way we can communicate and keep afloat of your days and your nights. I know how time can seem to stand still especially in the night when others are soundly sleeping and all is so quiet and time seems to go so slowly. What a sweet experience you shared as you awoke and felt Mom and Dad so close. I giggle when you said that they had to know I bet that was Dad prodding Mom to run to their other obligations. after reading you a story. I often wonder how close heaven is?
      You told me of the article in the Ensign a few weeks ago and I sought it out. The story of the man whose father had died and he had taken over his fathers business. The son shared how he spent so much effort in praying for direction for his business that he had taken over after his fathers death. He never felt he got the direction that he asked for and so he moved forward with what he thought was best for the company. Many years passed and he had a dream where his father came to him and he chided his Dad and asked why he had not helped him as he ran the business. His father said to him that he had so many more important things he was busy doing...he said he wasn't really worried about the business but he told his son what really matters is what his son becomes because of his business.
      So often in life we face hard things...and in these hard things....we can often learn "things" that often we may not have learned otherwise. "Spiritual things" that are far more "priceless" than the other stuff. Thank you for letting us share in your "cancer" journey and we feel we too are learning some of those "spiritual things" along your journey. You are so loved!!!
      I love you so Tams

  2. That story the above writer (Tam) wrote about is my father! The spirit world is so close and I'm glad you've felt your parents help through this experience. We continue to pray for you!

  3. Marilyn, you are so brave. I am inspired how you are standing up to cancer. What a lifelong lesson your children and grandchildren will have as they remember you and what you showed and taught them. What a gift to feel your parents so close. You are in our prayers to get past this pain you are experiencing. Hugs :-)

  4. Just to make you all smile: we were getting ready for church this morning and Emma was supposed to be choosing a dress

    Grandma: Emma, what are you doing in there?

    Emma: I'm just being naughty.

    Grandma: Ok.

    Emma: You're welcome.

  5. Can you feel my arms around you gently giving you a little squeeze? I am doing it right now (literally). I hope you can visualize it b/c you are in my prayers, and thoughts! How wonderful to have sweet Stephanie there to be with you and share some one on one time with you. I cannot imagine your cancer journey, sorry for your pain, excited you have so much to look forward to, a new house with many decisions and plans to make! It's also great Troy is so close by. I know the blessing Steve pronounced upon you will continue to strengthen you and heal you. It's a tough row to hoe from the sounds of it so stay strong and when you have a hard time bearing the pain and the discomfort please know you have people around the world thinking about you at any given moment and praying in your behalf. I'm sure your parents are watching over you and caring that you are in a "growing" place that will take lots of patience and endurance. They, along with all of us are pulling for you and wishing you less pain and the ability to cope with what you are facing. You're a dear and giving person. Please know that we pray for you each prayer and plead with Heavenly Father to cradle you in his arms as you heal. God bless you Marilyn in all the ways only He knows how to and has the power to!

  6. Dear Marilyn,
    I was just informed by Dee Jones of your struggle with cancer. I feel so badly not to have known sooner. I am more than happy to pray and fast for you. I love you so much. Your sweet and faithful example has remained with me from our days in Kingwood together. I have enjoyed seeing your children grow and your grandchildren, too, through Christmas card exchanges. I am sure that the Lord is 100% aware of you and what you are going through. My favorite scripture mastery scripture from seminary this year is a new one. Alma 7:11-13 shows how Jesus Christ understands everything we are going through and has overcome pains, sicknesses and even death, for us. "And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith, He will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people. And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities. Now the Spirit knoweth all things; nevertheless the Son of God suffereth according to the flesh that he might take upon him the sins of his people, that he might blot out their transgressions according to the power of his deliverance; and now behold, this is the testimony which is in me." So, in a way, you are coming to know the Savior in ways you never could, except by going through these trials. What a magnificent and trustworthy steward you are to have been chosen for this kind of test. Not only does He know how to succor those in pain according to the flesh, but now you do, too. I have always known you have great faith and a determined spirit. I hope you will feel my faith and confidence in you, as you weather this storm.
    Now, I believe laughter has medicinal value, so I am going to send a story that always makes me shake with silent laughter. I will put it on a separate post. I hope it will bring some laughter to you!

  7. Here's one of my favorite, funny, but true stories...I hope it makes you smile. I get the giggles every time I read it.

    *The Mormons Meet the Metro Narcotics Unit*
    *Keep your temple recommend handy wherever you go. You just never know….*

    This guy is in the Clearfield First Ward, Clearfield Utah Stake and this
    absolutely happened at a house on Main Street just south of 200 South. Yes,
    it is a true story. They left the house and rushed right over to the
    bishop's office to tell the Bishop, who was Jeff Schofield at the time, and
    he rolled on the floor laughing. The story in itself is funny but Brother
    Budd's telling of it makes it even better. He approaches life with a smile
    and a corny joke and much laughter. Anyway, enjoy.

    "Hello, here is some inspiration and humor for you... The Elders Quorum
    President and I were visiting some lost souls, when they were found by the
    long arm of the law.

    As we were preparing to say the closing prayer at the conclusion of our
    visit, we heard someone pounding on the door and yelling, "It's the police!
    Open the door!" I thought, "Oh, that old joke." Then there was more

    It's the police! We have a search warrant!" Before this lady's boyfriend
    made it to the door to open it the police opened the door for him. Into the
    house stormed ten police officers dressed from head to toe in black body
    armor. Each gentleman had a sub-machine gun. When I saw the door burst open,
    read the word POLICE across the first officers Kevlar vest and saw the large
    gun that he had, I thought, "This is going to make a great story." be continued....

  8. ...(funny story continues....)

    The Officer only got to "Get on the..." and I was face down on the carpet
    with my hands above my head in full view. "Get down on the ground!" The
    friendly officer again shouted at the President. The only trouble the
    President had was that the room was very small and had a coffee table in the
    center of it. There was no available space remaining on the floor, as the
    rest of us had already "hit the deck." There was no room left in the Inn, if
    you know what I mean.

    The Elders Quorum President therefore made the mistake of standing up from
    where he was sitting on the couch and trying to explain who we were. The
    kind officers did not seem to like this action and one very large officer
    stepped toward the President, who then found himself looking directly into
    the muzzle of the gun with a bright light shining in his eyes. As the
    officer placed his finger over the trigger and shouted, "I said get on the

    The president decided to do so. As there was nowhere else to go, he laid on
    top of me, his first councilor. I never thought I would need to "support the
    President" like that. I assure you, I really felt the "weight of my
    calling." We were instructed not to move or speak which was difficult to say
    the least as I had eaten a little too much for supper and the President is
    not exactly a small man even before dinner.

    After a time the President whispered, "Are you O.K. down there?" I didn't
    dare answer. But a few seconds later the humor of the whole situation hit me
    full force and I started laughing, silently mind you, which made my body
    shake and the President being on top of me was well aware that I was
    laughing and thought, "What in the world could he possibly be laughing at?"
    After they got done handcuffing the two closest to us they were ready for us
    "Stand up and keep your hands above your head!" We arose and the officers
    searched us for weapons.

    The heroic officers did a much more extensive search of the President's
    person due to his earlier, "Non-compliance" "Who are you?!" asked the large
    officer who had gently persuaded the President to get down on the floor.

    "We are the Elders Quorum Presidency from a local Ward of the Church of
    Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," replied the President in one breath. The
    officers looked at each other and their weapons lowered a little bit. Do you
    have any church I.D.?" One officer asked. They gave us back our wallets and
    we showed them our Temple Recommends and Drivers licenses.

    Big smiles came onto their faces and they soon escorted us out to our car,
    wished us a good night and allowed us to drive away with a great story to
    tell. I knew that my Temple Recommend could help me get into the Lord's
    house but I never dreamed it could help me avoid going to the "Big house."

    This time the lost sheep that we were hoping to bring back to the fold
    sadly ended up going to a different pen.

    I hope that you have a wonderful day!

    Sincerely, Daryl Zadok Budd

    P.S. Feel free to forward this story on to anyone that you'd like. It's too
    funny not to share it because it's a true experience that really happened to
