Saturday, November 14, 2015

Surprise Visit from Justin

A real highlight since my  last blog entry was a surprise visit from my son, Justin, who secretly travelled all the way from Cork Ireland for a weekend visit.  Steve and I were home on Friday, October 23, when a knock came to the door.  When Steve went downstairs and opened the front door, he was shocked to see Justin standing there with flowers in his hand.   Steve came upstairs and asked me if it would ok if the person delivering flowers to me could come in our master bedroom.  I wondered what Steve was doing inviting the delivery person upstairs, but I said ok.  What a fantastic surprise to see Justin with the flowers.  It was like a dream.  I hugged him tightly to confirm that it was not a dream.  We had a wonderful weekend together.  As he is in medical school, it was great to have him see me and share his medical knowledge with me.  Additionally, it really lifted my spirits.

            Another fun family event was Lee and Stephanie’s family visit over Halloween weekend.   I got to see the grandchildren in their Halloween costumes and go trick or treating with them.  Also, we had a blast carving pumpkins.  It was another wonderful weekend.

           In my last blog entrance, I mentioned that we were meeting with the doctor who specializes in medications.  Although he is not sure what caused my prior incidents, he is concerned that the combination of pain medicine, nausea medicine and sleep medicine as well as the cancer treatments needs to be watched closely.  We are working with him to get the right balance.  The challenge is that my body does not seem to fit the normal treatment regimens.    

From the cancer standpoint, I continue with the same treatment.  I have felt pretty good on a few days, but most days I experience a lot of pain in my abdomen.  I always feel full so I cannot eat very much.  I try to eat small amounts often, but this has placed a lot of stress on me to plan out what I can eat.  The headaches also continue.  Lately, my acid reflux has been challenging, especially during the night.  The doctor has ordered a CT Scan for early December.  This should help us know the effectiveness of the current cancer treatment. 

            I am grateful for everyone’s support and prayers.  It means a lot to me, and I know it is helping me to deal with this situation. 


  1. What an amazing surprise to have Justin show up on your doorstep! That is so nice that Stephanie and Lee could drive late into the night to spend time with you and Steve. I am praying for these doctors that they may come up with solutions so, you will not have to experience such a great amount of pain. Much Love for you and your family! Yvonne

  2. So happy your family is able to come visit. We continue to be inspired by your faith and courage.

  3. I love how despite how hard it is to manage your cancer, you find joy in simple things -- like trick or treating with your grandkids. It's wonderful that your family is able to visit you. I am learning so much from you about having faith and hope. I am inspired by your courage. We love you and pray for you.

  4. ALWAYS Thinking of you Marilynn. As are my cute kids who always pray for "Aunt Marilynn". Keep going and I love you!!

  5. I so appreciate your blog updates������
    I was preparing a talk for church this past week and I was to speak on a talk from Pres Euchtdorf on being grateful in any circumstance. He spoke of choosing the "Goblet of Gratitude" instead of the "Bottle of Bitterness".
    Marilynn, As you express your feelings in your blog inevitably you have it "laced" with gratitude. Gratitude for your Savior whom strengthens you and comforts you. Gratitude for prayers being offered for you and gratitude for yout wonderful children and grandchildren.
    I know I speak for so many of us that love you so...we are so grateful for you goodness and your love and your strength.

  6. Such a great story of how Justin just "hops" onto a plane to travel all the way from IRELAND for the weekend! Justin, Troy, Stephanie and Stacey --and their respective families-- have been true heroes! What mother and father could ask for more outpouring of love and support and constant visits and contacts like Marilynn & Steve have from their beautiful family.

    We love and admire all of you so much.

  7. I don't know about the rest of you but ... I'm ready for ANOTHER UPDATE from Marilynn on this blog site ...
