Wednesday, January 29, 2014


We got a call from our surgeon early this afternoon.  He told us that they had gotten all of the cancer and that it had not spread from the site that they removed.  What a relief!  As Steve was telling me I kept waiting for the "but" or the bad news.  It never came.  I hugged Steve and started crying.

I slept better last night.  We made a medicine schedule for the night and stuck to it.  It wasn't perfect but was a big improvement.  Both Steve and I got more sleep than we have had in some time.

I wanted to introduce you to my constant companion (not named Steve) through this ordeal.

This is my Joey.  It is a backpack with a container of high calorie liquid connected to a tube that runs inside my jejunum and feeds me around the clock.  Nutrition is a big part of my recovery at this time so it is important that I get enough calories.  Otherwise, I am allowed only a fat-free, clear liquid diet.  I miss chewing!

Today my Dad would have been 98 years old.  I have felt his and my mother's spirit with me throughout thus ordeal.  It has become a part of my bedtime ritual to put my parent's photo near my bed.  They give me great comfort.

I am so grateful for your prayers, your love, and the supportive comments that you have offered during the last week.  I also want to recognize Steve for the countless things he has done to help me.  I am also grateful for my children's support.


  1. Hooray! I am so glad you are staying positive, despite the pain you are feeling. Just think - when you can eat again, it will all taste fabulous! Hang in there. Alisha

  2. That is incredible news that the cancer has not spread!
    Does that mean that you won't need to chemo or radiation? Prayers have been answered. You are home, you are getting nutrition. I feel so grateful.
    We are having a party tomorrow night to celebrate Mom and Dads birthday. We will celebrate this news to!
    I love you,

  3. This is wonderful news! We'll be praying gratitude prayers tonight.

  4. Dear Marilyn,

    I know I met you when your sweet mother passed away several years ago but I'm sure you don't remember me. My name is Denise and I am a close friend of your dear sister, Kathleen's. She and John are in my ward, and Tom too, and how we love the Coveys. She was telling me about your situation and I guess I asked enough about how you are doing that she gave me your blog address. It's been amazing to follow you over the past few days and feel of your strength but mostly your closeness with your husband and the spirit. I have a true fondness for the Felt family and especially your mother, Afton. The first photo you posted of yourself reminded me so much of her. Your smile looks so much like I remember hers and I'm sure your spirit is also.
    I wish you well and pray for your full recovery. Your husband sounds like an amazing man. Kathleen loves you so and is cheering you on. Take care and may His spirit of comfort be with you.
    Denise Redd

  5. Let's celebrate big time! This is the best news I've heard since you told me you had cancer. This is a miracle that you were prompted to ask a doctor about pain you were having, and now you know it was caught early enough so that it is stage one!

  6. I'm so happy to hear you are home. I know grandma and grandpa have held you and supported you and will continue to walk by your side. We were just talking and sharing memories of them with Katie and Van on Sunday at dinner. What great examples they are to all of us. We are so blessed to have such wonderful angels watching out for us. :). Becky

  7. That is the best news I have heard in a long time!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you all! We all love you and will continue praying for you.
    SLEEP WELL again, keep getting better and better.
    Love, Julie Jordan

  8. It was so wonderful talking to you today. I am so pleased and I am so proud of your positive attitude and your determination. You still are dealing with so much pain and discomfort but you are so positive. Love you Tammy

  9. Marilynn, I am out on the west coast until mid February otherwise I would run over there and give you a big hug....just what you don't need :). Congratulations on your very successful surgery. The Lord's hand was there in that OR and throughout your recovery. NO CANCER ANYMORE! okay? Looking forward to basking in the light of your happiness once again. Love you, and the wonderful Bishop, too. Vicky D.

  10. Prayers are answered! We have prayed for you daily (multiple times) and it's so wonderful that things are looking up and that you have so much support and love surrounding you. I can't imagine how difficult this road has been for you and your family, you're so strong. Keep hanging in there! We love you so much!


  11. Wonderful news. We love you so much, Marilynn. What great, great news. Yay for family and miracles and love. I'm so glad you have Steve. I cry reading about what a support he is to you because it's so inspiring. We're in this together. Love you, Christine and Johnny

  12. So grateful for your good news...cancer free! Can't imagine how relieved you must feel. Now for a smooth and speedy recovery.


  13. We are so happy to hear this good news! Prayers are heard and answered. We love you. Your Joey brought back a flood of memories. I had that same one when I had my NJ tube. I can relate to not eating by mouth for weeks at a time. It is so different and you can not even imagine being able to eat. My heart is truly with you.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. This is wonderful news! You're such a fighter I don't think anyone ever had doubts you would come through this! We love you so much Nana!

  16. That's fabulous news! You look like you're doing great. Keep it up!
